Centaurus Développement Group. A simplified stock company with a capital of 1 043 890€.
Headquarters Registered Offices
88 Rue du Paradis CS70508
49305 CHOLET - Cedex - FRANCE
Téléphone : +33 (0)2 41 46 33 00 Email : hello@agena3000.com
SIRET (Company registration number) : 80143998500020
RCS : 801 439 985 Angers
Main activity
Edition of application software. The Publication Director of the site is the President of the Centaurus Développement Group.
This website is hosted by the company:
5 Chemin du Pressoir Chênaie
44100 Nantes - FRANCE
Téléphone : +33 (0)2 55 59 03 20
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All information provided on this site is for information only. Therefore, this information can in no way be considered as a contractual offer of services or products and to replace the consultation of a representative of Centaurus Développement. For more information, contact us.
It is the responsibility of the user of this site to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and / or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet. In general, Centaurus Développement declines all liability for any damage that may occur during the consultation of this website.
In the spirit of the Internet, links to other websites are provided for information purposes only and cannot engage the liability of Centaurus Développement, both in terms of content and access conditions. Conversely, the establishment of links to one or more page (s) of this website is authorized under the condition that this page or these page (s) appear (s) in an entire page under the URL https://www.agena3000.com.
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