  • Events

37th GS1 Healthcare Conference: We were there!    

  • November 22 2022

The actors of the health sector are facing many challenges: changes in regulations, health safety requirements, traceability of health products, patient safety... AGENA3000 supports the Health sector by accompanying these actors. To this end, we were present alongside the teams of our partner Hospitalis by Cegedim at the 37th GS1 Healthcare conference organized by GS1 France in Paris.

What is GS1 Healthcare? 

In 2005, GS1 created GS1 Healthcare to bring together global healthcare players and support them in implementing GS1 standards for the benefit of patient safety. Today, GS1 Healthcare brings together hospital experts, pharmacists, clinicians, manufacturers, retailers and solution providers all working with regulators and professional organizations to improve patient safety and supply chain efficiency.

GS1 Healthcare Conferences

GS1 Healthcare regularly organizes conferences. These conferences allow players to follow regulatory developments, meet other players in the industry and share feedback with the entire healthcare ecosystem.

Our presence 

AGENA3000 teams were present at the 37th GS1 Healthcare conference organized by GS1 France in Paris, which took place from 15 to 17 November 2022.  It was an opportunity for our teams to exchange with the actors of the healthcare sector on subjects such as the management and sharing of DM/DMI product information with commercial partners and healthcare establishments, the traceability of DM/DMI or how to meet the regulatory constraints of the sector...

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