White papers

Data-To-Consumer White Paper

Data-To-Consumer: The right information for the right customer, at the right time!

All you ever need to know on Data-To-Consumer

In a world where the act of purchase is omnipresent, behaviours are changing. Consumers have become ‘consum-actors’. No matter the product or service – whether food or equipment –they want to understand, be and be made aware. They no longer carelessly buy things. Concerned about responsible consumption, they are committed to understanding, analysing and comparing. Information has become essential to trigger the act of purchase. Brands and manufacturers are impacted by this social development, which is made even more complex by the multiplication of distribution channels, the latter not all offering the same access to information.

How can manufacturers and distributors make this expectation an axis of development for their activity? What is the essential information to be delivered? How to limit exposure to risks and avoid misinformation attempts?

The answer lies in Data-To-Consumer, which consists in using PIM (Product Information Management) to deliver standardised and qualified information, accessible to both consumers and distributors. It is a resolutely structuring approach that must constantly be challenged and optimised to deliver the best information to the best targets under the best conditions!

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The answers to your questions

  • What is Data-To-Consumer?

  • What is the essential product information to be delivered?

  • How to deliver qualified information?

  • How to maintain information?

Extract White Paper Data-To-Consumer

Summary of the White Paper

  • Editorial
  • Trends
  • Meeting consumers' informational requirements
  • Why don't we start by checking the quality of the information?
  • Experience feedback: Auchan Retail France
  • Creating a circle of trust from producer to consumer
  • Experience feedback: Carambar&Co
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Spécialiste de la dématérialisation, AGENA3000 accompagne les entreprises dans leur transition digitale en proposant des solutions adaptées à leurs besoins. Forte de son expérience de plus de 35 ans avec les marques, les industriels et les distributeurs, AGENA3000 est un partenaire de confiance pour toute entreprise souhaitant réussir sa transition digitale.